Friday, November 29, 2013

Around The House

Some of the things that I love from my house...

  This is my dad's Betta Fish. There are lots of these in my house, my dad loves fishes and I think they are the cutest things ever. They have this beautiful fin that flows like a gown everytime they move around. It makes them looks like a superstars on the red carpet.

  Some part of the fish pond that my dad love to take care on. It's really pretty and sometimes on the afternoon I like to stare at the fish and just listen to the sound of the water flowing down. Such peace,. Very serenity. Many clarity. Wow. Doge.

  This one is a statue of Buddha. My parents bought it around 3 or 4 years ago ( I can't remember?) in Yogyakarta. I'm not a Buddhist or anything, but the way this statue placed on my garden just seems very lovely.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Weekdays Morning Routine !

1. Since I live in Bojong, the best time to wake probably 4:20 AM (!) jam segitu masih bisa tidur-tiduran dulu 10 menitan terus baru lanjut masak aer sama bikin teh dulu

2. Naik angkot harus dan harus pada jam 5:45 ! Kalo lewat pasti sampe sekolah jatuhnya jam 6:45an. Pokoknya yang roman roman telat terus lo ke gap pake kaos kaki pendek sama guru piket dan terpaksa kaos kaki lu diambil (merk nike lagi aaaaaa) terus disuruh beli kaos kaki murahan yang 10rb dapet 3 di pasar anyar tapi karena lo di sekolah terpaksa belinya harga 20rb *sigh* dan lagian, ehm, here are the perks on arriving school at 06:30 AM :

 • you can pick your seats. Mau depan atau belakang masih bisa. Tapi kalo udah lewat jam setengah 7 yah pasrah aja mau duduk dimana dan sama siapa . Begitulah kira kira

• you can prepare for the unexpected. Seperti tugas dan ulangan yang mendadak gitu berdasarkan rumor yang ada. Atau tugas dan ulangan yang lo ga tau itu ada. Jadi seenggaknya masih sempet nyontek tugas atau belajar dulu dikit, senggaknya nanti 5 nomor bisa ngerjain lah jadi ga kosong banget kertasnya biar ga disangka bloon atau gimana.

• for those of you who have a crush atau crushes bagi cewe2 jomblo binal, 06.30 is perfect for you. Masih bisa duduk depan gerbang nungguin si doi lewat. Haahaha, sejujurnya gw juga belum pernah melakukan hal hal seperti itu. Tapi ini hanya sebatas saran dan pengamatan dari yang sudah sudah

• masih bisa pup kalo perut tak menentu terutama di pagi hari. And it's good since school's toilets are mostly stilll empty at this time.

3. Pilih angkot yang pengemudinya anak muda gitu, abang2 lah. Terus gimana taunya? Ya liat aja, kalo angkot nya banyak stiker dan di modif yang aneh aneh biasanya pengemudinya abang2 muda. Kenapa lebih baik abang2? Karena mereka ga terlalu sering ngetem dan suka ngebut, sangat cocok buat angkot di pagi hari. Dibandingin kalo sama bapak2, hampir pasti bakal ngetem dan juga mereka itu pinginnya penuh- maruk gitu lah istilahnya. Yang udah sempit juga penumpang nya masih disuruh masuk jadi pantat kita kejepit dan kenyamanan kita terganggu. 

4. Kalo bisa pilih angkot mewah. Yang apv itu loh. Waah itu asik sekali sodara sodara. Goncangan nya tidak terlalu terasa daripada angkot carry biasa. Pokoknya oke lah dan lebih cepet karena jarang ngetem juga. Mungkin gara2 selalu penuh gitu kali ya, jadi orang orang pada mudah tertarik gt sama angkot yang satu ini.
5. Angkot dari depan billabong sampe pasar mawar pasti akan selalu sampai pasar mawar dengan durasi setengah jam. Mau dia ngetem apa engga. Trust me, it does.

6. JANGAN pernah naik angkot yang ada musiknya disetel kenceng kenceng! Angkot ky gitu ga enak parah. Apalagi kalo pas pagi pagi masih ngantuk dan ga mood berisik atau pas hari itu mau ulangan terus lo berniat ngapalin di angkot saat perjalanan, angkot seperti itu ampas banget. Mending lagunya bagus gitu, ini biasanya ya lagu selera abang abang, yang remix dangdut hasil rekaman layar tancep yg penyanyinya cuman modal suara mendayu dan serek2 basah. Sepanjang perjalanan (selama selera lu ga sama seperti abang sopir angkot) dapat dipastikan lo bakal pusing, ga enak lah inti nya.

7. Di dalam angkot, paling the best ya duduk di sisi kiri yang sejajar sama pintu. Duduk disitu udah pasti ga akan kena tiupan angin yang bakal membuat rambut lo acak2 an. 

8. Morning playlist bagusnya setel lagu lagu yang feel-good macam lagu nya ingrid michaelson, sara bareilles, atau summer paradise nya simple plan atau lagi lagu lagunya depapepe. wuuu macam lagi main film pas bagian pembukaan nya gitu deh. But for me, karena gue sering bingung milih yang mana jadinya motto gue : On doubt, hear  Lorde's Pure Heroine !

Friday, June 21, 2013

existential crisis

These days - almost every night, as I lay in my bed doing nothing, lots of thoughts seems bothering myself. Like who am I? What is the point I'm in this universe? Am I, somehow planned to be something big, and every opportunities that I unknowingly rejected actually leads me to that plan? Why am I living? Am I some kind of the main character where the other people in this so called world are just the supporting roles? Is heaven and hell are real? If so, will I stay forever? How long is forever?

These thoughts always keeps filling my head and never really resolved and just keep adding more and more. Curiosity keeps me aware that there are so much possibility in this world. So many mysteries that man kind haven't found out yet. And if we put what have been discovered into percentage- how many percent is that? Could it be 70% ? Or maybe we haven't really going into half of the percentage about what's really happening in this world? 

But I figured out that science and all are seems so real and that it just stating facts facts and more facts. And all of the things that science can ever figured out is something with proofs. There are many things that probably doesn't have an exact proof. Like, faith to God, spiritual thingy, even love (which is something that scientists says a natural thing that occurs on human mind-and there are no such related into faith slash so contrary with what I really believe).

Well, for me? I did put some faith into something unknown and abstract. Like the faith to God. I believe in Him, I know Him - although not directly but through the bible , the testifiers and all - but I believe it. I believe that there is something big that human race could never literally tested as if in science. I believe in blessing and faith and how people can be connected with each other through some secret knots. Things like that make people survive the hard time because they think of a little hope where the creator of the universe give to each and everyone of us. 

Stop Procrastinating....


This is actually what I've been listening repetitively in my mind. I mean although the fact i'm in holiday, nothing really pressuring me to have such duty on doing such a task.
But, then I remember all of those things that I suppose to achieve but I keep delaying it with studying for tests , homework, etc as an excuse.

So here are the things that I NEED to gain by this holiday :

1. Lose 10 pounds with this kind of behavior that I'm doing? Yep it will be quite a challenge
2. Buy more SOPHISTICATED books the thing is- every time I read a really good book I become a 20% more sophisticated than ever for around 3 days and then I go back to the flat old me. But with more books - I think the sophisticated side effect could be lasts more longer.
3. Stop eating so much this one is basically related with the thing number 1. So if I achieved number 1 then I'll def achieve number 3. Coolness.
4. Grow a longer shampoo commercial hair. This one is kind of impossible. But I'll try
5. Buy Dr Martens omgg YESS! I want me own Martens! It'll be supah purrfect for my punk-rebel kind of style (at least thats what I think of my style)
6. Update this blog more frequently I think I can do this
6. Stop procrastinating
7. Stop procrastinating
8. Stop procrastinating for the rest of my life

Oh and have you guys watch Anna Kendrick's Pitch Perfect / Cups ( When I'm Gone ) on YouTube? Its' f-ing epic. I kind of learning the thing myself. CHECK IT OUT :))

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

John Green / "The Fault In Our Stars"

I've been reading this amazing book that everyone's talking about. And it seems that the buzzing good reviews and suggestions to reading this book is truly proven. 
I fell in love with this book instantly from the first chapter. 
The story basically about two teenagers ( a girl and a boy ) who's struggling with cancer and madly in love to each other. I know... I know.... sounds cheesy right ? But the twist and the words in this book that creates such beautiful sentences of metaphors, analogy, etcetera are so damn fascinating that you just can't stop from reading it! This book mostly goes for a romance but not like any mainstream romance, it's a little bit more teasing kind of romance. You know kind of similar teasing when you watch a movie about a couple who def love each other and they've spent a really nice date- yet at the end they still feel a little bit awkward because the guy doesn't really know hot to end that perfect night and you just sit in your couch and screaming "KISS THE GIRL YOU IDIOT!!!"

I'm not going to be a spoiler here so there's not much  I can tell about how the story goes.
But if you-like, seeks for some nice book to read, I am, without doubt, recommended you this masterpiece. Also not to mention, this book is one of the New York #1st Best Sellers.

Here's a preview of the book :

I'm currently at chapter 16 and about to finish the book! I think it's should be longer cause it is so good.

So, let's read it folks, and get ready to be flown away 

Silver Lining

( source: Society6 )

I personally refers this anonymous quotation as the Silver Lining rule.
Because, in the darkest moment, where there are so much powerful emotion from certain angst,
we usually doesn't realize of how big damage that we'd probably made up without a proper logical thinking. Do you remember those kind of moment when there are so much anxiety in you that your brain somehow work faster and more sensitive towards things that probably will let  you go off fom the situation which causes the anxiety? That is what I'm talking about. If only human can put such power in the middle of darkest times into something resolving and lead them to success, life would be so much easier  don't you think? But, the real funny thing to me that how human can't fully control themselves. It's always be some kind of a civil war between the heart, mind and the lusts.